The World Giraffe Foundation is a California charitable corporation exempt from state franchise and income tax and organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation accepts gifts of cash, real estate, stocks, insurance, art, and any other assets that have no unusual liability. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organization of interest to the donors will be professional in nature.
To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employee of the organization or hired solicitors.
To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.

Types of Gifts
Gifts to the World Giraffe Foundation may be either restricted or unrestricted. They may be for a specific conservation project or the global campaign to help save the giraffe. Donors can make gifts in the following ways:
An Outright Gift of Cash
Many gifts made to the World Giraffe Foundation are in the form of cash. Charitable gifts of cash qualify for federal income tax deductions in the year the gift was made. Make check payable to: WORLD GIRAFFE FOUNDATION, INC.
A Gift of Securities
Stocks and bonds that have increased in value may be given as a charitable gift to the World Giraffe Foundation. If the stocks and bonds are considered long term, (as determined by law in effect at the time of the gift), it is more advantageous to the donor to give these securities directly to the foundation rather than to sell them and give the proceeds from the sale. By making a gift of the appreciated securities themselves, donors completely avoid capital gains tax, allowing the gift to be made at a significantly lower cost.
It is important to note that the donor who wishes to make a gift of securities that have decreased in value is well advised to sell the securities and make a gift of cash to the foundation. The donor may then claim an income tax deduction for the loss as well as a charitable contribution deduction for the gift.
A Gift of Real Estate
A donor may make an outright gift of a personal residence, condominium, ranch or other real estate to the foundation, or may reserve the right to live in the house or retain the property for as long as the donor and/or named beneficiary lives. If the gift is irrevocable, the donor may take an immediate income tax deduction based on the present value of the remainder interest to the World Giraffe Foundation.
A Gift Through Life Insurance
Life insurance policies provide donors with additional ways of making generous gifts to the foundations. A donor may name the World Giraffe Foundation as a beneficiary, co-beneficiary, or contingent beneficiary of an existing policy, or add the foundation as a remainder beneficiary in case the primary beneficiaries do not survive the policyholder. A donor may give ownership of a paid-up policy to the foundation and enjoy a tax deduction, or may purchase a policy and irrevocably name the World Giraffe Foundation as owner and beneficiary. Both guarantee a large future gift for the foundation. If annual premiums are paid by the donor, the donor also enjoys a charitable deduction in the amount of those premiums.
Life-Income Gifts
There are many ways donors may make a generous gift of cash, securities, or real estate to the World Giraffe Foundation, and retain life-incomes for themselves and one or more beneficiaries. Such gifts made during the lifetime of the donors provide sustained income and a charitable contribution deduction on the donors’ income taxes. Life-income gifts include:
Gifts by Will
Many friends make gifts to the World Giraffe Foundation annually. Those gifts may be perpetuated by will. A gift by will may take one of the following forms:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the World Giraffe Foundation the sum of__________dollars.” (or designate the percentage of the estate or otherwise describe the gift.)
Honor and Memorial Gifts
A meaningful way to honor a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion is through a memorial gift to the World Giraffe Foundation. An express of sympathy or a celebration of a family event that takes the form of a gift to the foundation provides a lasting remembrance. It will be appropriately acknowledged to an individual or family.
Tax Advantages
A person chooses to make a gift to the World Giraffe Foundation because of a belief in the work the foundation has done and continues to do. But once the decision to contribute has been made, it is important that the donor plan the gift to obtain the maximum tax and financial benefits.
The government encourages charitable giving by allowing generous tax deductions that actually serve to reduce the cost of a gift or to enable the donor to make a more generous gift. For this reason, the prospective donor is urged to consult with an attorney or tax advisor regarding the latest rules and methods of giving that are most advantageous to the donor.
Each donor’s thoughtfulness is very much appreciated, and a gift, however it is made, will be acknowledged with gratitude by the foundation.
Types of Gifts
Gifts to the World Giraffe Foundation may be either restricted or unrestricted. They may be for a specific conservation project or the global campaign to help save the giraffe. Donors can make gifts in the following ways:
An Outright Gift of Cash
Many gifts made to the World Giraffe Foundation are in the form of cash. Charitable gifts of cash qualify for federal income tax deductions in the year the gift was made. Make check payable to: WORLD GIRAFFE FOUNDATION, INC.
A Gift of Securities
Stocks and bonds that have increased in value may be given as a charitable gift to the World Giraffe Foundation. If the stocks and bonds are considered long term, (as determined by law in effect at the time of the gift), it is more advantageous to the donor to give these securities directly to the foundation rather than to sell them and give the proceeds from the sale. By making a gift of the appreciated securities themselves, donors completely avoid capital gains tax, allowing the gift to be made at a significantly lower cost.
It is important to note that the donor who wishes to make a gift of securities that have decreased in value is well advised to sell the securities and make a gift of cash to the foundation. The donor may then claim an income tax deduction for the loss as well as a charitable contribution deduction for the gift.
A Gift of Real Estate
A donor may make an outright gift of a personal residence, condominium, ranch or other real estate to the foundation, or may reserve the right to live in the house or retain the property for as long as the donor and/or named beneficiary lives. If the gift is irrevocable, the donor may take an immediate income tax deduction based on the present value of the remainder interest to the World Giraffe Foundation.
A Gift Through Life Insurance
Life insurance policies provide donors with additional ways of making generous gifts to the foundations. A donor may name the World Giraffe Foundation as a beneficiary, co-beneficiary, or contingent beneficiary of an existing policy, or add the foundation as a remainder beneficiary in case the primary beneficiaries do not survive the policyholder. A donor may give ownership of a paid-up policy to the foundation and enjoy a tax deduction, or may purchase a policy and irrevocably name the World Giraffe Foundation as owner and beneficiary. Both guarantee a large future gift for the foundation. If annual premiums are paid by the donor, the donor also enjoys a charitable deduction in the amount of those premiums.
Life-Income Gifts
There are many ways donors may make a generous gift of cash, securities, or real estate to the World Giraffe Foundation, and retain life-incomes for themselves and one or more beneficiaries. Such gifts made during the lifetime of the donors provide sustained income and a charitable contribution deduction on the donors’ income taxes. Life-income gifts include:
- A Pooled Income Fund Gift
- Charitable Gift Annuity
- A Charitable Remainder Trust
Gifts by Will
Many friends make gifts to the World Giraffe Foundation annually. Those gifts may be perpetuated by will. A gift by will may take one of the following forms:
- A bequest of cash, securities, or property in a specific sum or by percentage
- A bequest of real estate
- A testamentary charitable remainder trust, created by placing all or a portion of the estate in trust to benefit family members during their lives, with the principal to be transferred to the World Giraffe Foundation at the termination of the trust.
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the World Giraffe Foundation the sum of__________dollars.” (or designate the percentage of the estate or otherwise describe the gift.)
Honor and Memorial Gifts
A meaningful way to honor a loved one or to commemorate a special occasion is through a memorial gift to the World Giraffe Foundation. An express of sympathy or a celebration of a family event that takes the form of a gift to the foundation provides a lasting remembrance. It will be appropriately acknowledged to an individual or family.
Tax Advantages
A person chooses to make a gift to the World Giraffe Foundation because of a belief in the work the foundation has done and continues to do. But once the decision to contribute has been made, it is important that the donor plan the gift to obtain the maximum tax and financial benefits.
The government encourages charitable giving by allowing generous tax deductions that actually serve to reduce the cost of a gift or to enable the donor to make a more generous gift. For this reason, the prospective donor is urged to consult with an attorney or tax advisor regarding the latest rules and methods of giving that are most advantageous to the donor.
Each donor’s thoughtfulness is very much appreciated, and a gift, however it is made, will be acknowledged with gratitude by the foundation.